Thursday, October 8, 2009

Data Types and Image Types in matlab

See how images are defined in matlab.
i Made this flowchart to make this simple.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Image Processing by MATLAB Basics

(Read matlab basics first )


Images in image processing toolbox are defined as matrices with each element in matrix representing a pixel

f(r,c) is the representation of the matrix where r is rows and c is columns

the origin is 1,1

Note that f(1,2) represents the pixel of 1st row and 2nd column


f= imread('rajat.jpg');

The semicolon in the end is used to suppress output if the semicolon is not entered it displays the output.
This file rajat.jpg must be in the working directory otherwise u have to give the full file path.(f=imread('c:\mydocument\supertramp\rajat.jpg')

Read More>>

Monday, October 5, 2009

Matlab basics

(read "matlab what is it used for " first)

the white area in the middle is the work area in which the user types in the commands which are interpreted directly over there and results are displayed on the screen. >> is the matlab prompt indicating that user can type in the commands here...a previously entered command can be reached with the help of up-arrow and down-arrow

In this article the things that u need to type in matlab command window are put in " ". please do open matlab , type them and match the results

it will help u in learning faster.

Simple commands:

Type this is the work area and press enter

>>" 3ˆ2 - (5 + 4)/2 + 6*3"
this will result in
ans =

matlab defines a new variable "ans" as ur result and u can use it again newhere
chk these examples these will make u understand every basic command u need to know in matlab

Example 1:

To perform symbolic computations, you must use syms to declare the variables
you plan to use to be symbolic variables.

>>" syms x y"
>> "(x - y)*(x - y)ˆ2"
this will result in
ans =

>>" expand(ans)"
this will result in
ans =

>>" factor(ans)"
this will result in
ans =


MATLAB- what is it used for?

To get u inspired...let's see what all it can do

  1. Matlab is a software used for analysis of systems that can be modeled as matrices. These include digital filters, signals, communication channels, mechanical systems etc. This has widely been used to perform simulations and analysis of signal processing, neural networks and control systems algorithms by researchers. Matlab is probably the single most important software you are expected to be familiar with as an electronics engg student, followed by Spice and VHDL.
  2. Complex calculus solves for example, Linear System, Polinomy, Matrix, Diferential Equation, Diferential Equation Systems, etc.
  3. Make GUIs (graphical user interface)

There are many toolboxes in it and the two m interested in particular are:

1.Image Processing Toolbox™ software provides a comprehensive set of reference-standard algorithms and graphical tools for image processing, analysis, visualization, and algorithm development. You can restore noisy or degraded images, enhance images for improved intelligibility, extract features, analyze shapes and textures, and register two images.